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Monday, November 20, 2006 

I’m going to say something controversial. I know, I know. The internet is for free speech. It is the last remnant of the American sixties counterculture. It’s about self-expression and information sharing. So why do I think it’s being blown out of proportion that the Chinese can’t access the same web content as Americans?

CNN.com is running an article on Chinese access to Wikipedia.

Wikipedia blocked again in China BEIJING, China (AP) — The easing of a ban on the popular online encyclopedia in China was short-lived. Barely a week after Wikipedia viewers were able to access the Web site – after a year-long ban — they reported Friday that it was blocked again in several parts of China. Web surfers and free-speech advocates had earlier welcomed the apparent lifting of a ban on the English and Chinese versions of the site that provides free information written and edited by its users, although skeptics had voiced fears the end of the ban would be temporary.

So, you might say, why isn’t this a bad thing?

First, despite the belief that China stifles discourse online there are vibrant web communities. Internet bulletin boards are popular forms of communication at Chinese universities creating the potential to networked communities. It’s my understanding that these university communities have considerable freedom to address topics that interest them. Additionally, many of my Chinese acquaintances here in the United States use blogs to keep in touch with their network of dispersed friends and family.

Second, I’m not sure it matters that much to the average Chinese. When I was leaving for China one of my initial concerns was that I wouldn’t be able to access internet utilities that I use in the United States. When I spoke to professor Jian Wang about this he assured me that it would be a non-issue. However, when I got to China I found many of my favorite sites inaccessible and Google was crippled. This frustrated me but didn’t seem to bother the Chinese. Why? The web adapts. A majority of the content currently online is in English but that simple fact may make it inaccessible to most Chinese. Rather than relying on American web sites China has many which are homegrown, such as Baidu, which allow them to accomplish the same tasks.

Articles such s the one on CNN assume that China is trying to restrict the exchange of information. However, Wikipedia really isn’t an encyclopedia, it’s a community that exchanges information. The real issue at hand is not whether a government has the right to stifle free speech but whether they have the right to legislate cyberspace. I think they do. Creating codes of conduct and accountability in cyberspace is a good thing and serves to strengthen the community. Furthermore, when this legislation is enacted it will reflect the values of the societies that put them in place. We don’t have to look to China to see this. For example, American internet legislation protects copyright and prevents child abuse. The American government has a right to create these laws just as the Chinese have a right to legislate their citizens use of cyberspace.

In conclusion, blocking Wikipedia probably isn’t as earth shattering as journalists would like you to believe. Chinese communities are thriving and as China continues their rapid industrialization will probably become more prolific. When American journalists complain about policy decisions of the Chinese government they are imposing American values on a foreign country.

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  • Who: Scott Sanders
  • When: 8-22-1981
  • Scott Sanders is a PhD student in the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California. His research interests lie in how people use communication technologies to build and maintain interpersonal relationships.

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Don't step down, Miss Julie. Listen to me--no one would believe that you stepped down of your own accord; people always say that one falls down. -- Jean, Miss Julie.