So my buddy Nick is dragging me with him to go lift weights. It's been about 9 monthes since I've done any weightlifting because of my bum elbow (doc told me to lay low), so I feel like a real wimp. Additionally he seems to have more of a plan. I always go and just do it. Whatever strikes me. I know that's not how you're supposed to do it but I guess for me it's always been more psychological anyway.
Tomorrow I have to apartment hunting. I think next year Nick and I are going to live together. Anyway we're going to see if we can find an apartment tomorrow. It's really insane ... 50,000 kids want to live in the same 6 block area so the apartments start renting in December for August! Good thing Vicky told me that now was the time to start looking or I would have waited until March and been SOL.
Tomorrow I have to apartment hunting. I think next year Nick and I are going to live together. Anyway we're going to see if we can find an apartment tomorrow. It's really insane ... 50,000 kids want to live in the same 6 block area so the apartments start renting in December for August! Good thing Vicky told me that now was the time to start looking or I would have waited until March and been SOL.
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