So don't get me wrong. I've seen better movies. But somehow V for Vendetta does address some compelling themes despite being an action flick. Notably when is it our responsibility as citizens to rebel against our government for violations of our civil rights. There are some not so subtle jabs at our current administration in there.
"People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. " - V from V For Vendetta
So why do I have a poster of Josè Rívera's Marisol up here to? Because it explores in many ways the same themes as V for Vendetta but in much more subtle (and in my mind more satisfying) ways. Marisol, a young Puertorican woman, is asked by her guardian angel to join the angels in their rebellion against God but she is parlyzed y her fear of betraying her faith. Meanwhile the wicked are allowed to run amuck on earth, men become pregnant, and acid rain burns those who are caught outside as the angels battle an old and senile God in a post-apocalyptic New York. In the end the play leaves you with the realization that one is obligated to rebel even against the highest power (ie. God) if it does not protect and serve those dependant upon it.
NOTE: While Rívera is notably more subtle in his message, he also attempts to comment on too many issues leaving the play a muddled mess at times, but I'm not going to get on him too bad in this post.
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