So Chinese table manners leave a lot to be desired... apparently when one has something in one's mouth that shouldn't be there it's ok to spit it out on the table. Drinking soup or gruel from a bowl is OK. You can pick up your plate to shovel in rice with chopsticks. I ate lunch with one of my students today (English name is Phillips...don't know the Chinese one) and he spoke with the entire time with food in his mouth. No worries though. I'm willing to let a lot slide. They asked me how long I'd been studying to use chopsticks and I told them I'd been using them on a semi-regular basis for the past two years or so....
Other funny things about China:
- When it's hot the men roll their shirts up past there bellys and stand there with them hanging out.
- The air is so polluted that you can't see more than a mile or so. It's like looking through Gauze. Blue skys? What's that?
- Wine here tastes a little bit like's really thick and very strong.
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