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Wednesday, June 21, 2006 

One week till I'm off to China! I'm looking forward to it. My friends at home were asking for soveniurs and William has made me promise to bring him back some SARS. Go figure. Mom is being a mom and has made me promise to stay away from all poultry that I might encounter despite the fact that I don't think they've had a case of bird flu in Beijing. Right now I'm in the process of packing and it looks like the FBI has searched my room. Clothing and articles are strewn about the room. It looks like someone had opened up my bag and just started slinging it about their head. Here in a second I have to go get things cleaned up.

Alright I admit it. I'm doing something slightly geeky. The last thing I plan on doing in the United States prior to getting on that plane for China is to go see the new Superman movie. I found a theatre that has a 10 o'clock showing Tuesday despite that fact that it's being advertised as not opening till Wednesday.


Last night was so sad. Ray Winder field, home of the Travelors for the last sixty years is in it's last season. Apparently the minor leagues think that our park is just too old and doesn't have nice enough facilities to host a AA team. As a result a new stadium is being built across the river in North Little Rock. I'm sad to see the team go. My Dad used to take me to games at Ray Winder ever since I was little. When the church youth group went out we often went to Ray Winder.

One thing will always dissapoint me. Ray Winder had been there long before they decided to build a freeway behind the outfield fence. This of course presented a problem. If a homerun was knocked over it would go directly into six lanes of traffic and that would of course be a bad thing. As a result they built these huge chain link fences along the outfield to stop any powerful home runs. Ever since I was little I always wanted to see someone hit one past the chainlink backstops and I never have. Last night they had a home run derbie prior to the game and apparently one of the players hit not one but two balls over the chainlink...and I missed it. I got there too late.

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About me

  • Who: Scott Sanders
  • When: 8-22-1981
  • Scott Sanders is a PhD student in the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California. His research interests lie in how people use communication technologies to build and maintain interpersonal relationships.

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Don't step down, Miss Julie. Listen to me--no one would believe that you stepped down of your own accord; people always say that one falls down. -- Jean, Miss Julie.