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Wednesday, May 31, 2006 

My mom just came in and asked me if I needed all the lights on while I worked. I told her no, of course not and she prompted turned them all off but one. Sometimes I feel like my parents are a bit to frugal...but hey it's their dime.


So I'm back from Europe without a thing to show for it. I take that back I have eleven bottles of wine to show for it but that's it. I don't know why but I'm not a souvenir sort of person. If I see something that people are using that I like I might buy it. I buy lots of clothing as I travel and of course I buy food. But I rarely buy crap. I don't buy postcards or keychains. I don' t need bottle openers or refridgerator magnets. I wonder why people buy these things. Anyway I don't know if I'll blog about Europe or not. I might transcribe a few entries from my written journal.

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About me

  • Who: Scott Sanders
  • When: 8-22-1981
  • Scott Sanders is a PhD student in the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California. His research interests lie in how people use communication technologies to build and maintain interpersonal relationships.

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Don't step down, Miss Julie. Listen to me--no one would believe that you stepped down of your own accord; people always say that one falls down. -- Jean, Miss Julie.