Almost done. 2 more weeks. I'm metaphorically living for the weekend, although in this case the weekend is summer. So much to do. So little time. Frustrated. Today I got stuff together for my Chinese visa. My goal is to get it sent off tomorrow so that my passport gets back to me prior to me heading off to Europe. That would be nice. Otherwise I'll have to cancel the passport, order a new one and then pay for a rush visa when I get back from Europe. All in all it would be very expensive....
My computer keeps overheating and then locking up. Never build your own computer. Ever. Especially if you're only moderately computer literate. I finally got sick of this pile of junk, Frankenstein locking up on me and yanked of the side panel so it wouldn't over heat anymore. Yes, if anyone actually reads this thing I'm aware that Frankenstein was the scientist not the monster...
Now for something
completely random.
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