Today was a weird day...I was productive all day long but I don't know how much I actually wrote. I'm still working on the qualitative paper. I've banged out 17 odd pages by this point so hopefully I'll have a completed rough draft by Tuesday night. We'll see.
Today it rained. Hard, big heavy drops that when they hit the roof of the cars in the parking lot looked like minature explosions spewing droplets in every direction. Then the sun came out and it continued to rain. I even went outside to check to see if their was a rainbow. Part of me had this crazy idea that I should just go put on a pair of shorts and go lay in the grass and let it wash over me. I didn't...like I said it was crazy but I remember playing in the rain as a kid and I wish I had the time and the lack of inhibition to do it again.
So I acquired a copy of the Lord of War soundtrack. I highly recommend it. I'm kind of a music junkie and I rarely go in for movie scores or soundtracks. Usually they're either filled with a bunch of crappy pop songs or with a heavy overly important score that obviously came from a movie. That's not to say that some of the tracks on the Lord of War soundtrack don't sound like a score...they do. However, a majority of the tracks tend to have some class to them. The theme is relaxing. You can't really describe music I think. You have to hear it.
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