If you only see one movie this summer see SNAKES ON A PLANE. This promises to be one of the campiest movies produced by a major studio in a long time. God bless New Line! This is the sort of movie you're either preordering the tickets for the midnight showing or you really don't get what all the buzz is about.
The story seems to be relatively straight foward: An FBI agent (Samuel L. Jackson) is escorting a mafia witness to trial when an assasin opens a crate of poisonous snakes on the flight. Chaos ensues!
Personally I think the whole thing is hilarious. See this ....
Quote from Wikipedia: "Snakes on a Plane has quickly become an Internet meme after its announcement on Something Awful, Slashdot, 4chan, and other Internet portals. The phrase is often used on Internet forums as a phrase to indicate that a given topic is nonsensical. With creative uses of capital letters and bold or italic text, the title can be manipulated to reflect surprise, horror, or absurdity, among other things. The meme is often interspersed with images of Samuel L. Jackson reprising his role as Mace Windu and quoting lines from both the Star Wars series and Pulp Fiction (both starring or prominently featuring Jackson). The slang form "SoaP" is used in place of "s*&^ happens" or "oh well, what'cha gonna do?"."

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