Everyones heard from the media the dangers of social networking websites. You know, how they can be used to gather highly personal information about an individual and allow people to stalk you in the real world, right? But what happens when they are used to
fight crime. One student at Purdue put it to exactly such a use by turning the tables on her assailent. After being assaulted by an unknown man, she searched
the Facebook website until she was able to find his profile. She then provided his information to police who in turn arrested him.
Researchers have always been interested in how people use technology in new, unexpected, and innovative, and the Facebook is definitely being used to in creative ways by law enforcement. Not only do police use it but
job recruiters and college administrators do as well. What's more disturbing is that studnets don't think about what they're posting online. Just a note boys...it may be time to take those underage pictures of you drinking down.
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