So everyone read my posts on networks and understands the concept of small world networks right? Didn't think so. A small world network is a network that that links most frequently to geographically proximal nodes (in non-academese...connects to people who are close) most frequently but also has a few far flung links to distant nodes (ie. far away people...you get the idea now). Anyway lots of networks tend have a small world structure. Our air traffic control system for instance. Most flights go to relatively close locations but maybe just a few might fly to Tokyo or Paris.
So what is the significance of small world networks? Individual nodes in small world networks (be they people or airports) are all connected to one another via very few links. That's why you don't have to change planes a million times when you travel. It's also why epidemiologists fear pandemics.
A more humorous example of small world networks is the six degrees of Kevin Bacon game in which players try to link actors through movies they have acted in with other actors to the actor Kevin Bacon. That being said if there's one website you must visit today it is The Oracle of Kevin Bacon. Enjoy.
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