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Monday, April 10, 2006 

So I'm teaching class and this is what my class felt like sharing today (Ah the wisdom of youth):

- Pimpin Aint Easy...But Somebody Gotta Do It!!!

- I can tend to be an anal retentive cheavanistic pig... :-) j/k

- An elephant never forgets but man a fish does...

- I'm gonna kill you!! ( but "pacifically" in a good way)

- Can you get an STD from a polar bear?

- Did you try to make a smiley face?

- "This is not a democracy. This is a benevolent dictatorship."

- That sounds like a great idea, im totally gonna bring in gospacho for the class.

And a collaborative posting sounded like such a good idea at first.

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About me

  • Who: Scott Sanders
  • When: 8-22-1981
  • Scott Sanders is a PhD student in the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California. His research interests lie in how people use communication technologies to build and maintain interpersonal relationships.

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Don't step down, Miss Julie. Listen to me--no one would believe that you stepped down of your own accord; people always say that one falls down. -- Jean, Miss Julie.