Labels: bad things, LA
Labels: smart mob, social interaction, social psychology
After that we went to nearby Songpan, and took a horseback "trek" through the
country side. Many people go out for several days but we only went for a
few. It was neat because you could see the way that the mountains had been
terraced in the past for agriculture and as you rode the horses you would
occaisionally come across a herd of goats blocking the path. The would bleat
and move out of the way. Our guide cooked us dinner near a little Tibetan
temple with a series of prayer wheels built into the side. I walked around
and looked at it for a bit. Very cool.
When I got back to Chengdu (which believe me takes some doing, it's about a 9
hour bus trip) I went to go see the pandas. Pandas are damn cute especially
the sub-adults but they're lazy as hell. Most of the time they spend sleeping
and the staff had a heck of a problem getting the little ones to come down
from the high trees to eat. They would climb up there on a branch and try to
coax them with a bit of apple until one came within reach and then they would
drag it down the tree a bit. They were very patient and careful not to let it
fall. I think by that point I would have been ready to start shaking
Ok, the only other thing of interest is that last night I had a monkey jump on
my head. When I say jump I mean the little sucker climbed to the top rooted
around for something to eat and when he didn't find anything he started
stomping on my head. Go figure. It was a beggar at an outdoor bar and he
just let his monkey do whatever and then asked for money. I don't give money
to stuff like that.
Don't step down, Miss Julie. Listen to me--no one would believe that you stepped down of your own accord; people always say that one falls down. -- Jean, Miss Julie.