Ok, so what brought this tirade on. Well I’m back from China and I’m roadtripping across the United States in my little Nissan Altima praying that the little engine holds out till I get to California. I’ve already passed through Oklahoma (flat with funny looking trees compared to Arkansas), through Texas (home of W), and I’m currently in New Mexico.
Last night I stayed in Tucumcari at a 1940’s motor court complete with little drive in garages. Bill, the owner, struck as an aging hippy that was extremely glad to be living a laid back, small town life. Today Paul and I went and saw petroglyphs that were chipped into black volcanic stone. The designs were pretty cool and hopefully I’ll get a chance to upload some pictures before too much longer.
Currently, I’m at the Acoma Pueblo. I haven’t been up but down in the visitors center they have chanting and drum beating playing through the PA. It strikes me as a little cheesy.
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