So I guess this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm a bachelor living alone. Condiments anyone?
One of my entries from my class blog:
Those of you that went to lunch with Simson Garfinkel in January may remember how insistent he was that we move towards using certified email to prevent spam. He estimated that people received about 100 messages a day (which at the time I thought was a gross over statement) and therefore needed a manner to filter legitimate mail from trash. His solution was the use of certified email which has a security token embedded in it that must be verified prior to going to an individuals email box.
While everyone complains about spam very little has been done to regulate or prevent it. This makes it ironic that now that AOL is introducing a system to prevent spam that they are being accused of scheming to improve their profit margin. Apparently some people believe that this is just another way to nickel and dime them to death for internet use. Check out the link. Would anyone else like to see a program like this get off the ground?
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