So I made it home safe and sound for those who were wondering. The flight from Tokyo to Minneapolis wasn't to bad. I behaved like an infant. I stayed awake just long enough for the flight attendant to feed me my first meal. Then I took a sleeping pill and crashed, trying to curl myself up in a seat that wouldn't have fit me when I was ten to sleep. Later I woke up just in time to call the flight attendent back to feed me breakfast and then I went back to sleep again. When I woke up I was in Minneapolis.
I was supposed to have a nine hour lay over in Minneapolis and I asked one of the TSA agents when I could go check in for my flight. I wasn't allowed to check in while in China for some reason. He told me, "Well you could check in for your flight...or you could hop on the light rail and go see the Mall of America..." like this was the greatest thing in the world and I would be missing out if I didn't. I went and found a gate agent and had my flight changed to an earlier one.
The video above (if it works) is me teaching some of my Chinese students how to call the hogs (it's an Arkansas thing).
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