Those dastardly IT folks here at Purdue!!! This year they've placed printing limits on how much you can print and if you exceed that you'll be charged for it. This is a direct result of the stupid and wasteful undergraduate culture that heavily relies on flyers to advertise upcoming events. They'll take these flyers and tape them to the ground with one about every five feet...literally. As a result they waste a tremendous amount of paper. So as a graduate student I've been limited to 1000 copies black and white...
But wait! I've found a loop hole. If you go to the library and use one of about eight public access stations that don't require a login you won't be charged for printing. Take that! I'm fighting the system by going at odd hours to print. If you think I'm giving my secrets away and that now I'll have to compete for a workstation because I'm blogging this you're fooling yourself. Nobody at Purdue reads my blog and even if they do this article will be pushed down the page before too much longer.....
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