Last week was kind of rough. Alot of stuff went down that was going to have to be hashed out one way or the other. Anybody that knows me knows that I don't get too up close and personal on my blog so that's all you'll be getting. Suffice to say that I'm not sure that I know myself any better now than previously. That and I'm sorry the way things turned out.
On the other hand last Thursday I had an interesting experience in my Online Social Interaction class. Our teacher, Sorin Matei, was running a bit late. He commutes from Indy and I think there was some sort of car accident that was holding him up. After waiting around for about a half hour we decided to get the class under way by calling him up on a Palm Treo and putting him on speaker phone. It was harder than if he had been there in person but was adequate. I got a kick out of it....
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