Forbes. You have to laugh at these people for saying what might have been on the mind of every American male for the past twenty years. Mainly, "Is her career going to get in the way of my marriage?...Or my dinner?...or her babysitting duties." So what has caused all the furor? And there was furor. Technorati has collected some of the
relevant blog entries that have appeared on the net. For those of you not clinging to your computer like you're drowning under water and it's the only supply of oxygen, last Tuesday Forbes published an article written by it's editor Michael Noir entitled
"Don't Marry a Carreer Woman." The only title more to the point in recent history was "
Snakes on a Plane". Originally this peice was accompanied by a slide show (ala point one, point two, point three....). The slide show has since disappeared and the essay has been recast in the form of a point, counterpoint argument.
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